
Lucky, our little bantam hen who was given to our neighbor after she pecked on her original flock, then our neighbor handed her on to us because she was pecking on his flock of full size chickens.  This little Lucky Girl has been nothing but sweet for us though, we love her!

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Sugar, she’s the smallest of the full size birds, but has the most spunk and loves to interact with her human siblings 😀
Edit:  Sugar turned out to be a He, and he and Roo Roo had to be returned to their breeder because they were a little too frisky with Lucky 🙁

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And Ginger, she’s the shy one.  Friendly, but a little timid with us and the other birds as well.

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And Roo…isn’t he gorgeous?!

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All four free ranging for the first time!

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Roo with those beautiful emerald green tail feathers <3  He’s pretty gentle so far, but we shall see how he behaves once he’s full grown.



March 29th

Our Lavender Cuckoo D’Anver hatching eggs arrived!  Placed them under Lucky and waited 23 days for the first baby to hatch, oh these little ones are spoiled!

Meet Shimmer, Dash and Sweet Cheeks

Lavender Cuckoo d'Anver 800_1384 chicks one day old

Dash is turning into a beautiful cockerel at 6 weeks

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Shimmer and Dash

lavender cuckoo d'anver chicks 6 weeks

April 18, 2017

 Three pullets arrived as day old chicks from a hatchery, and a couple of days later we picked up this sweet silkie from a local family farm.
Lavender babies hatched April 21st…going to be a full house pretty soon!
Silkie at about 10 weeks




June 3, 2017

Field day put on by the Canadian Valley Poultry Club
Our family’s first poultry show…wow what a day!  So much fun!  Beautiful show chickens, kids of all ages walking around with
birds on their shoulders and in their arms, picnic lunch, educational talks by Casey Carter of Cacklefruit Farms on incubation, how to raise healthy chickens, and so much more!

Natalie even participated in the agility event, Chloe did pretty good!

And of course we couldn’t leave a chicken show without bringing home a couple of chicks, ha!
Meet Stormy.

(Stormy was quickly renamed Squeaky because he was constantly crying for the Ameraucana when they became separated!  And Squeaky is now the largest bird in our flock, and the only rooster allowed to free range with the girls, he is a gentle giant)

IMG_5469 Natalie stormyAnd this little (we hope pullet) has yet to be named, but she is the sweetest little lavender Ameraucana chick!
She…errr HE as it turns out loves to hang around people, loves attention and will let you hold her and pet her.

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natalie lavender ameraucana web

Lavender Ameraucana Roo

lavender ameraucana chick



