We recently moved to a new house…with 16 acres filled with beautiful wildflower fields and a huge pond! A photographers paradise 😀 Oh, and the new house has a studio space to pamper my clients, pictures of that coming soon! For now I’ll share one of my sweet little girl in the field 🙂
Such a precious little guy, absolutely loved snuggling him all day!! More sneak peeks coming soon to this post 🙂
Busy weekend with two newborn sessions, I’m in Heaven! This petite little princess was a DREAM today, she was up for just about any pose we tried and we got several of her beautiful smiles 🙂
Had so much fun with this family over the weekend, and their little man is absolutely adorable!! Many more pics of this cutie to come soon! Oh, and look at that beautiful blond hair!!
In a little over a week my sweet baby girl is going to be FIVE! Where has the time gone?! She is such a beautiful little soul, full of hugs and kisses and I love you’s. More birthday photos to come of my sweet girl later, but here is one for now 🙂